“Obselfed” group show Klemm’s Gallery, Berlin

very happy for my participation on this upcoming group-show: @galerieklemms “OBSELFED”
With the participation of:
James Bantone , Nina Childress , Chelsea Culprit , Juan Pablo Echeverri ,Barbara Hammer , Aurora Kiraly , Hein Koh , Jean-Charles de Quillacq , Elle Pérez ,Emilie Pitoiset, Davide Sgambaro , Nora Turato , Dena Yago

24.06. – 29.07.2023
Opening: 24.06 , 6-9 p.m.

“The modern self strives in eternal longing for something. It seeks shelter in its own image, a reflection which feels safe despite its deceit, embodying a doubt that echoes the self’s own fraught relationship with its appearance.

One could define current times as the ‘era of self-deception’ – a subconscious state of things in which the obsessive achievement of perfection standards, driven by mimetic desires, leads to a form of self-exploitation. Self-deception becomes a cage challenging to escape, a quest for a misleading truth, an obsessive attempt to establish an ultimate, ‘authentic’ form of existence.

What do we talk about when we address self-obsession? What remains with one’s ‘self’ and what is projected straight back into others?

Obselfed is an exhibition that brings together artists who reflect on the concept of the ‘self’, its cohesion and its fragmentation in an imitation-driven society.
The show seeks to investigate the boundaries between self-perception and the perception of others, questioning how our personalities construct themselves within slippery social stereotypes and the constant pressure of foreign sights.

The ‘self’ becomes analysed, fragmented, compartmentalised, ironised, elevated, staged, disrupted.
Obselfed seeks to dismantle assumptions of our fixed subjectivity and to highlight the contemporary means of cultural self-consumption, emphatically and without naïveté; a quest for authentic individuality in an ‘obselfed’ society.” Curated by @macrooonde